St. Malo by Larry Mollin

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Max Dean, free-lance songwriter and private eye with music business clients, has survived a bout with cancer and a second wife. With a gnawing desire to relax and recreate, he takes up an old client’s offer of a beach house in the North of France. When an irresistible Nazi general’s granddaughter hires him, and mysterious,

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Max Dean, free-lance songwriter and private eye with music business clients, has survived a bout with cancer and a second wife. With a gnawing desire to relax and recreate, he takes up an old client’s offer of a beach house in the North of France. When an irresistible Nazi general’s granddaughter hires him, and mysterious, buried booty in the sea caves of St. Malo calls, Max gets no rest. The pirate treasure hides a greater treasure whose allure has lured men and women throughout the centuries. To survive his vacation on the coast of Brittany, Max will need the talents of the love-of-his-life-who-left-him, a heroin addicted surfer, and a Parisian street Romeo. Murder, mayhem and making love ensues in a wild search for untold riches and much, much more.

  • Hardcover: Paperback: 244 pages
  • Publisher: Mindstir Media
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 1733473246
  • Dimensions: 6 x 0.5 x 9 inches
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