Panama’s Rusty Lock: A Novel of the 1984 Presidential Election

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A small team of political consultants working on a presidential campaign to break the military rule of General Manuel Noriega and reestablish the nation of Panama to self-determination, runs into mine fields of fraud, CIA sponsored wars, manipulation of worldwide commerce, and drug trafficking. The historical novel reveals a trail of international intrigue and espionage.

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A small team of political consultants working on a presidential campaign to break the military rule of General Manuel Noriega and reestablish the nation of Panama to self-determination, runs into mine fields of fraud, CIA sponsored wars, manipulation of worldwide commerce, and drug trafficking. The historical novel reveals a trail of international intrigue and espionage. In 1984 the election would begin a 25-year process to return the Panama Canal as mandated in the Canal Treaties of 1977-8. No one at the time could have imagined the effort it would take to change 16 years of government corruption and oppression in the most important nation of Central America.

  • Hardcover: Paperback: 272 pages
  • Publisher: Mindstir Media
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 9780999608586
  • Dimensions: 6 x 0.6 x 9 inches
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