Fate’s Genesis Chronicles of Gods’ Chosen Warriors

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Warding off monsters, demons and ghouls is standard routine for Norm. When the news captures a zombie on television, Norm, his friends, and his ghostly tutor, swiftly travel to Chapel Hill, NC to stop the knowledge of the paranormal from becoming public knowledge to the world.

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Warding off monsters, demons and ghouls is standard routine for Norm. When the news captures a zombie on television, Norm, his friends, and his ghostly tutor, swiftly travel to Chapel Hill, NC to stop the knowledge of the paranormal from becoming public knowledge to the world.

In Fate’s Genesis, Norm and his team must break into a government-controlled compound, fight zombies, balance relationship issues, and figure out who this mystery man is, who started it all.

Allen B. Moonstone, is a resident of South Carolina, with his partner Fred, and demonic feline companions, Sir and May. As a Marine Veteran, causing trouble and wreaking havoc is how he was trained. Now, he has settled down and is often seen traveling the world, exploring new cultures, and at times, fighting off the ghosts of the past. Enchanted by the mystical and magical arts, he felt compelled to share stories of the known and unknown, in this fantastic series of ‘Chronicles of Gods’ Chosen Warriors’.

  • Hardcover: Paperback ‏ : ‎ 258 pages
  • Publisher: Mindstir Media
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-1958729793
  • Dimensions: NA
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