Consensual Suicide

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How did I get here? I mentioned the diets of most of us born in the south that consisted of pork, beef, chicken, turkey, fish and some wild game. These meats were cooked in lard for the most part or smoked. Desert was a mainstay in our home growing up, which consisted of massive amounts

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How did I get here? I mentioned the diets of most of us born in the south that consisted of pork, beef, chicken, turkey, fish and some wild game. These meats were cooked in lard for the most part or smoked. Desert was a mainstay in our home growing up, which consisted of massive amounts of sugar and lard for the crust of pies. Fat back or ham hocks were used in greens, and real butter in macaroni and cheese. This type of diet has little to no nutritional value because of the way they were prepared. With this type of toxic food consumption comes visits to the doctor. Why you ask? Because of the artery clotting meats and unhealthy fats we say we love and won’t do without! Because of the excessive weight gain; which has become uncontrollable! Because of the inability to walk a flight of stairs without being completely winded! We make statements such as “My mother cooked this way and lived to be 90, therefore so can I”, this is the attitude taken when someone else takes an interest in one’s health. Here are some real facts about the consumption of meats and unhealthy fats, that’s worth taken a closer look:

  • Hardcover: Paperback : 68 pages
  • Publisher: Mindstir Media
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 978-1735588018
  • Dimensions: 6 x 0.3 x 9 inches
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