A Tough Nut to Crack

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Once again it’s time to grab your favorite drink, plop down in your most comfy chair, and catch up on the latest happenings in Oak Grove County. Professors at the university are encouraged to become entrepreneurs, and many succeed with lucrative inventions. What could possibly go wrong? For starters, murder! The university’s biggest rainmaker is found dead

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Once again it’s time to grab your favorite drink, plop down in your most comfy chair, and catch up on the latest happenings in Oak Grove County. Professors at the university are encouraged to become entrepreneurs, and many succeed with lucrative inventions. What could possibly go wrong? For starters, murder! The university’s biggest rainmaker is found dead in a stairwell. Follow the renowned crime-solving duo—Alan Bluestein, Senior Detective in the sheriff ’s department, and Dr. Laura Mancini, forensic archaeologist—as they work through a long list of potential suspects. In addition to solving the murder, Bluestein, Mancini, and criminalist Stephanie Palinsky expose two unexpected scandals at the university! Readers of the latest installment of The Oak Grove Chronicles will find out if Alan and Laura take their relationship to a new level, and whether Laura survives her first encounter with Alan’s mother. A Tough Nut to Crack has the Schiffers’ usual heart-warming mix of silly and serious, guaranteeing an enjoyable read.

  • Hardcover: Paperback: 202 pages
  • Publisher: Mindstir Media
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 978-1733473224
  • Dimensions: 6 x 0.4 x 9 inches
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