War Fiction Archives | Bookstore of MindStir Media Book Publishers https://mindstirmediabooks.com/product-category/war-fiction/ Best Self Publishing Companies | MindStir Media Bestsellers Mon, 17 Mar 2025 12:12:19 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.2 https://mindstirmediabooks.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/cropped-MindStir-Media-32x32.jpg War Fiction Archives | Bookstore of MindStir Media Book Publishers https://mindstirmediabooks.com/product-category/war-fiction/ 32 32 The Carolingian Chronicles: Book 3 https://mindstirmediabooks.com/product/the-carolingian-chronicles-book-3/ https://mindstirmediabooks.com/product/the-carolingian-chronicles-book-3/#respond Mon, 01 Jun 2020 17:09:46 +0000 https://mindstirmediabooks.com/?post_type=product&p=3490 King Charlemagne's eldest daughter, Rotrud, is disgusted with her father. Buoyant and excited, she is in love with the third-born son of a Frankish count. But her father denies her the right to marry! In the past, he often told her and Bertha they could never marry, that he wanted them always in his manor. He would not risk their happiness in a joining. But Rotrud never believed he would actually deny her and Bertha husbands! It was insane! Was it folly to want a home and children? His often-spoke commitment to a 'Christian' realm seemed not to recognize the Church's injunction to marry and procreate. In the midst of war, issues with his sons, and a destructive wife, Rotrud has no choice but to defy her father - Charlemagne, the Great.

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Baile Ionaraora: The Campbells Are Comin’! https://mindstirmediabooks.com/product/baile-ionaraora-the-campbells-are-comin-by-john-e-campbell/ https://mindstirmediabooks.com/product/baile-ionaraora-the-campbells-are-comin-by-john-e-campbell/#respond Fri, 22 Mar 2019 18:31:51 +0000 https://mindstirmediabooks.com/?post_type=product&p=3006 John Campbell's fast-moving, action-packed memoir celebates the life of a centenarian and who was both successful as a centurion and a businessman.

The attentive reader will discover a great deal more than an American's long life and successful career. His hundred-year life story is set in the context of many of the great political, social, news, entertainment and leisure-time changes that have transformed the way we live our everyday lives.

His life-journey is that of a man who actually was "in the arena" in the trenches of war, bigtime broadcasting and the growth of the Leisure-time industries. He was always willing to try and dare new things. As Theodore Roosevelt might have said, "his place will never be with those cold and timid souls, who know neither victory nor defeat."

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The Man in the Mirror https://mindstirmediabooks.com/product/the-man-in-the-mirror-lost-soldier-by-kenneth-thompson/ https://mindstirmediabooks.com/product/the-man-in-the-mirror-lost-soldier-by-kenneth-thompson/#respond Sun, 03 Feb 2019 00:38:08 +0000 https://mindstirmediabooks.com/?post_type=product&p=2672 Enter the mind, body, and heart of a lost soldier longing to find his way home. Told in firsthand accounts, the life and journey of a retired Infantry soldier is reflected in a real, poignant view of a man in turmoil from experiences of war, love, sex, substance & drug abuse; but most importantly his battle to overcome Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome (PTSD). Read through his struggles. Gain insight into joining the fight for support of PTSD victims. Help bring another soldier home.

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I Never Got to Say Goodbye https://mindstirmediabooks.com/product/i-never-got-to-say-goodbye-by-yevet-tenney/ https://mindstirmediabooks.com/product/i-never-got-to-say-goodbye-by-yevet-tenney/#respond Sun, 03 Feb 2019 00:09:04 +0000 https://mindstirmediabooks.com/?post_type=product&p=2663 It is hard to say goodbye. If you don't get to say goodbye, it is even worse. There are all those things you wanted to say. There are all those things you wanted to do together... "I Never Got to Say Goodbye" addresses the Christian view of death and puts it in simple prose that children can easily understand. The book beautifully demonstrates that "goodbye" is not forever...

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History of the South Bend Fire Department https://mindstirmediabooks.com/product/history-of-the-south-bend-fire-department-vol-i-ii-by-thomas-mogerman/ https://mindstirmediabooks.com/product/history-of-the-south-bend-fire-department-vol-i-ii-by-thomas-mogerman/#respond Fri, 01 Feb 2019 23:02:17 +0000 https://mindstirmediabooks.com/?post_type=product&p=2627 This is the "HISTORY OF THE SOUTH BEND FIRE DEPARTMENT" as best we know it. Written from the perspective of the department itself, it is first and foremost for the men and women of the South Bend Fire Department, and the citizens of South Bend who have supported us over the years. Looking back through the years up to our present time one can't help but see how today's SBFD is part of something much bigger than any single generation of stations, apparatus, and firefighters. As you turn through the pages of our department's growth and evolution hopefully you will realize how valuable our history is to a sense of pride, belonging and ownership. It is important for us not to forget where we came from.

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Sergeant Major’s Daughter by Selma Curtis https://mindstirmediabooks.com/product/sergeant-majors-daughter-by-selma-curtis/ https://mindstirmediabooks.com/product/sergeant-majors-daughter-by-selma-curtis/#respond Tue, 22 Jan 2019 17:53:16 +0000 https://mindstirmediabooks.com/?post_type=product&p=2552 This is the true story of Selma Curtis Pisken Ozler's life from a child to a young lady, then a woman. It chronicles her life as a daughter, mother, grandmother, great grandmother, wife, and businesswoman. The author is compelled to share her life experiences for those who feel life is more than unpredictable and hopeless at times. She wishes to present this book to many people who struggle in their lives with the seemingly never-ending drama that presents itself at the worst possible time.

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Life Journey of Four Children by Stella C. Louros https://mindstirmediabooks.com/product/life-journey-of-four-children-by-stella-c-louros/ https://mindstirmediabooks.com/product/life-journey-of-four-children-by-stella-c-louros/#respond Tue, 22 Jan 2019 16:33:42 +0000 https://mindstirmediabooks.com/?post_type=product&p=2535 It's 1948, civil war in Greece was about to turn the world of one family upside down! This is the story about that family and the life-changing events that take place in their life. Civil war in Greece caused the parents of the four children to make a major decision, which brings them to a sudden and a fast separation between themselves and their children. They made the decision to send their children to America alone...without their parents, due to the current American immigration laws that were in effect at this time in Greece. Their life evolves from Greece to America and the love they develop for both countries, as they struggle to deal with the occurrences that were about to take place in their life. The four children have to deal with many challenges while moving toward adjusting and learning how to survive without their parents in their new beloved country, America. Now they had come to the wonderful country that their parents had so often described to them with much love during their young years growing up in Greece.

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Soaring with Destiny: A USAF Pilot’s Memoirs of Challenges, Experiences & Accomplishments by Usaf (Ret ) Lt Col Chuck Miller https://mindstirmediabooks.com/product/soaring-with-destiny-a-usaf-pilots-memoirs-of-challenges-experiences-accomplishments-by-usaf-ret-lt-col-chuck-miller/ https://mindstirmediabooks.com/product/soaring-with-destiny-a-usaf-pilots-memoirs-of-challenges-experiences-accomplishments-by-usaf-ret-lt-col-chuck-miller/#respond Mon, 21 Jan 2019 02:55:42 +0000 https://mindstirmediabooks.com/?post_type=product&p=2382 "Soaring With Destiny" is the real-life story, fully color illustrated with over 100 color photos and graphics, of a once-young man who followed the guidance of his Guardian Angel(s) through harm's way, while exposing him to challenges, and accomplishments, learning and gathering experiences that paved the way to ever increasing opportunities and future assignments. It tells briefly of his early formative period as a child and shows how different pathways opened doors to successes along his career path; pathways that he never foresaw. After laying the ground work, the story begins with all-jet USAF Pilot training, followed by an "aborted" attempt to take what would prove to be a disastrous fighter assignment, and then latching on to the type of flying that many pilots have on their "bucket list," flying a vintage WWII C-47 that was best suited to taking him on the assignments that were gateways to greater and greater opportunity for deep challenge, development of undiscovered talents, and high-magnitude benefits to the USAF during the Vietnam War, and the Cold War.

Chuck Miller's story provides insights into the thrills of flying -- both low and slow C-47 aircraft, and then flying Heavy-Jet tankers in global support of aircraft that were decades before their time in unmatched high performance far greater than the tankers that refueled them in flight. The story describes in detail the choreography of this high altitude and high speed "ballet" between two dissimilar performing aircraft. It then advances to his following high-level Special Category assignment as a NATO exchange pilot with the Canadian Armed Forces with the mission to train them in the arts of aerial refueling, and gaining sufficient Canadian national skills and proficiency to legitimately fulfill a realistic wartime NATO mission scenario.

The author skillfully interweaves the many activities of a twenty year USAF career, including continued involvement for another decade after retirement, and the deeper spiritual impacts and meanings of Soaring with Destinies path to a fun filled, and meaningful high contribution to the USAF mission and security of the United States during his career and far into the future.

This is the book for anyone who wants to know more about selected USAF aircraft and their flight charactersitics; non-routine ballet of leading-edge aerial refueling; about how skill and knowledge are the primary pathways to career and advancement; and about how flying brings the aviator closer to understanding the Spirit of life and achieving his Destiny.

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The Carolingian Chronicles: Book 2 https://mindstirmediabooks.com/product/the-carolingian-chronicles-book-2-beacon-in-the-medieval-darkness-by-acacia-oak/ https://mindstirmediabooks.com/product/the-carolingian-chronicles-book-2-beacon-in-the-medieval-darkness-by-acacia-oak/#respond Sun, 13 Jan 2019 20:29:41 +0000 https://mindstirmediabooks.com/?post_type=product&p=2277 King Charlemagne waits impatiently for Oliver's return. Will his Peer find Hildegard, the love of his life; or has he lost her forever? Will his siege of Pavia succeed and, finally, cut the legs off the Lombard king's obsession with overtaking his realm? The King continues to fight the Saxons, re-organizes the church, and implements educational opportunities for his people. At the same time, his two most-beloved Peers - Roland and Oliver - struggle to win the love of the same woman. His family grows, as he delightedly welcomes a daughter and another son. His power increases but so do personal threats to his family and military expectations from the Pope. His domestic happiness, his wife's insightful mind and compassionate nature, his growing governing abilities, his soldier's mind - all aid in securing and improving the lives of his people. Still, death and invasion threaten; poverty and ignorance abound. Betrayal seethes in the air. Become a member of King Charlemagne's court, join his king's guard, see him from the eyes of a Peer. And understand the story behind the 'beacon in the darkness' of Europe's medieval age.

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The Banished Medieval Queen https://mindstirmediabooks.com/product/the-banished-medieval-queen-first-wife-of-charlemagne-by-acacia-oak/ https://mindstirmediabooks.com/product/the-banished-medieval-queen-first-wife-of-charlemagne-by-acacia-oak/#respond Sun, 13 Jan 2019 20:24:03 +0000 https://mindstirmediabooks.com/?post_type=product&p=2274 Queen Bertrada, King Charlemagne's mother, banishes his first wife, sending Himiltrude and her son from the Frankish court in the early hours of a winter morning. As Himli travels to her new home, she aids in saving the life of Charlemagne's future brother-in-law, Prince Adelchis, heir to the Lombard throne. Knowing she can never return home, the banished queen gathers her courage, re-defines her own strengths, and works to acquire the skills needed to oversee her manor and help it thrive. Months pass; Himli adjusts to changed circumstances; little Pippin thrives in his new home. Once again, Prince Adelchis' soldiers seek her help. The prince is wounded and is sheltering in a cave some distance from her manor. During his convalescence, Himli and Adelchis fall in love. There is much danger in their growing relationship - both for them and for little Pippin. Adelchis' father, yearning to rule the Frankish realm himself, plots to attack King Charlemagne. Adelchis is unable to deflect his father's ambitions. Charlemagne overcomes the Lombard king and holds him in a monastery for life. Prince Adelchis escapes by fleeing to far-off Constantinople. Must Himli, knowing nothing of Adelchis' fate, accept a life of loneliness? Will little Pippin never have the father he deserves?

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