Comments on: You Are The Man: Called According to His Purpose Best Self Publishing Companies | MindStir Media Bestsellers Wed, 12 Mar 2025 06:47:50 +0000 hourly 1 By: Girlwithguts Fri, 01 Dec 2023 15:59:40 +0000 This book is a roller coaster of emotions.

When I read this book I could not believe I was reading words written by my husband. His pure honesty and humility struck me. Although I knew the story; and was in the story, my husband showed me Jesus where I had missed him. I finally got a glimpse of our story from his point of view and honestly it was beautiful. If you are a woman this book will help you understand everyday struggles your husband may face. As a wife I am not attacked the same way he is. He opened my eyes to that. Although this book is geared toward men and leading the home well it is an incredible read for any wife. We are here to help our husbands lead well and reading this book will do exactly that. Yes, I’ll admit, there is a roller coaster of emotions in the book. I cried, I laughed, and I PRAISED my savior for allowing us to go through these struggles.
If it wasn’t for the struggles, you wouldn’t have the strength. God is ALWAYS building you even when it seems like He is breaking you!

By: Amanda Stevens Fri, 01 Dec 2023 02:46:13 +0000 This book is a roller coaster of emotions, and a reminder of Gods goodness in every situation.

When I read this book I could not believe I was reading words written by my husband. His pure honesty and humility struck me. Although I knew the story; and was in the story, my husband showed me Jesus where I had missed him. I finally got a glimpse of our story from his point of view and honestly it was beautiful. If you are a woman this book will help you understand everyday struggles your husband may face. As a wife I am not attacked the same way he is. He opened my eyes to that. Although this book is geared toward men and leading the home well it is an incredible read for any wife. We are here to help our husbands lead well and reading this book will do exactly that. Yes, I’ll admit, there is a roller coaster of emotions in the book. I cried, I laughed, and I PRAISED my savior for allowing us to go through these struggles.
If it wasn’t for the struggles, you wouldn’t have the strength. God is ALWAYS building you even when it seems like He is breaking you!

By: Rick Eitel Tue, 14 Nov 2023 21:42:35 +0000 This is an excellent book that takes every day experiences and shows how God is at work in our lives. It would be excellent for a Men’s Bible study. I really appreciated how Chuckie showed that we can be both inspiring to others and inspired by the way we see others demonstrate Christ’s love. Well worth the time.

By: Bucky Rogers Tue, 14 Nov 2023 04:25:03 +0000 Men, you NEED this book. The concepts and stories in You Are The Man are life changing and mind sharpening. It’s written in an incredibly simple and accessible way that any man could easily read, follow, and enjoy. Gift this to a man in your life. You won’t regret it!

By: John Pritchard Mon, 13 Nov 2023 21:49:17 +0000 I had the honor of reading this book before it went to the publisher. It is full of encouraging stories from my good friend Chuck Stevens. This book will challenge you to be the man that God is calling you to be. I’ve had the pleasure of working professionally with Chuck for over 15 years and have served together on the mission field in Alaska twice. I love his heart for the Lord and serving others. Don’t sleep on this book. It could change your Life! #YouAreTheMAN #CalledAccordingToHisPurpose
