Lessen the Stressin’: Strategies for Becoming Smarter in Managing Stress

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A Practical Guide for Learning Ways to Better Manage Stress

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A Practical Guide for Learning Ways to Better Manage Stress

How do you experience more joy each day and remain productive and focused on what is most important to you despite sometimes being surrounded by the dark clouds of stress circling overhead or looming on the horizon? Lessen the Stressin’ effectively answers this challenging question by providing a comprehensive review of practical strategies and information essential for managing stress. Conceived and written with the goal of offering an enlightening training opportunity, this book also includes self-assessments and anecdotes to enhance learning. In addition, there are chapters focused on ways for handling stress generated in three areas often found to be particularly problematic – conflict, change, and communication, including digital communication. Dr. German’s insights and thorough coverage of easy to implement strategies help contribute to the optimistic feeling that with some effort, it is possible to successfully manage stress in an increasingly complex world.

  • Pages: Paperback: 288 pages
  • Publisher: Mindstir Media
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 1963844408
  • Dimensions: NA
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