Bugs & Spiders Archives | Bookstore of MindStir Media Book Publishers https://mindstirmediabooks.com/product-category/bugs-spiders/ Best Self Publishing Companies | MindStir Media Bestsellers Sat, 01 Mar 2025 06:48:29 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.2 https://mindstirmediabooks.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/cropped-MindStir-Media-32x32.jpg Bugs & Spiders Archives | Bookstore of MindStir Media Book Publishers https://mindstirmediabooks.com/product-category/bugs-spiders/ 32 32 The Praying Mantis https://mindstirmediabooks.com/product/the-praying-mantis-a-manifestation-of-god-come-to-earth-by-lester-wayne-daniels-jr/ https://mindstirmediabooks.com/product/the-praying-mantis-a-manifestation-of-god-come-to-earth-by-lester-wayne-daniels-jr/#respond Sun, 03 Feb 2019 00:18:23 +0000 https://mindstirmediabooks.com/?post_type=product&p=2666 Of all the insects in the world, perhaps none more captivates and intrigue's the human eye as much as the "praying" mantis. Viewed as deities and messengers of the afterlife, the mantis is by far the most iconic of all animals deemed to be holy. But don't be fooled, the mantis is no prophet. Despite their god fearing stance, they are by no means peaceful but are rather formidable predators! Within the pages of this book, you will see how mantids are mistakenly regarded as "holy" by so many as you delve into the life histories of these amazing, yet exotic creatures!

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https://mindstirmediabooks.com/product/the-praying-mantis-a-manifestation-of-god-come-to-earth-by-lester-wayne-daniels-jr/feed/ 0
The Adventures of Maddy Morphis https://mindstirmediabooks.com/product/the-adventures-of-maddy-morphis-by-linda-reihs/ https://mindstirmediabooks.com/product/the-adventures-of-maddy-morphis-by-linda-reihs/#respond Tue, 22 Jan 2019 22:43:08 +0000 https://mindstirmediabooks.com/?post_type=product&p=2580 Maddy Morphis is an enchanting story about a caterpillar who is blown about in a violent storm. Suddenly she is struck by lightning and changed into a unique creature that can undo harmful situations involving children. Her magical powers can restore them to their good nature and assist them with making good choices. The message in this story is to stay drug free.

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The Itty Bitty It by Scott Ferguson https://mindstirmediabooks.com/product/the-itty-bitty-it-by-scott-ferguson/ https://mindstirmediabooks.com/product/the-itty-bitty-it-by-scott-ferguson/#respond Tue, 22 Jan 2019 03:19:42 +0000 https://mindstirmediabooks.com/?post_type=product&p=2470 This book has a whimsical rhyme about misbehaving characters that have bad habits called the Itty Bitty It. Two children stumble across a few Itty Bitty Its and watch them as they misbehave with each other. At the end of the story children are told to avoid acting like the Itty Bitty It because it is not a very nice way to be. It's a creative and unique way for children to learn how not to act like that character because having good manners matters.

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Wiggly Worm: Stretch to Grow by Marolyn Burnet-Patton https://mindstirmediabooks.com/product/wiggly-worm-stretch-to-grow-by-marolyn-burnet-patton/ https://mindstirmediabooks.com/product/wiggly-worm-stretch-to-grow-by-marolyn-burnet-patton/#respond Mon, 21 Jan 2019 23:47:21 +0000 https://mindstirmediabooks.com/?post_type=product&p=2440 For Wiggly Worm a simple trip to town becomes a grand adventure. With a keen imagination and a need to stretch... stretch... stretch... Wiggly leads his best pal, Billy Goat, on a journey to the stars and back again. The duo inspire their friends back on Earth and readers alike with wonderous tales of our galaxy. What a curious worm can see from atop a goat's high horn will have children wanting to learn more.

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Rupert Saves the Day https://mindstirmediabooks.com/product/rupert-saves-the-day-by-the-norleys/ https://mindstirmediabooks.com/product/rupert-saves-the-day-by-the-norleys/#respond Fri, 18 Jan 2019 03:44:58 +0000 https://mindstirmediabooks.com/?post_type=product&p=2346 Rupert Saves the Day is a true story with a purpose. This book is dedicated to wonderful Rupert, an African Gray parrot who saved his owner’s life in a fire. The authors hope that it is enjoyable and educational with valuable lessons within the book about fire safety, that going to the hospital is okay and doctors are really our friends. We wanted the lessons to be clear and fun to read for children and adults. Adults are encouraged to make it a game for young readers pick out the lessons. It is our wish that everyone’s lives will be safer and that some of the scary things in children’s lives will be less so.

This is the first book of a series of true stories about animals who have lessons to share.

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The Ladybug Story by Liliana Mitchell https://mindstirmediabooks.com/product/the-ladybug-story-by-liliana-mitchell/ https://mindstirmediabooks.com/product/the-ladybug-story-by-liliana-mitchell/#respond Sun, 13 Jan 2019 22:55:09 +0000 https://mindstirmediabooks.com/?post_type=product&p=2281 A colorful strawberry patch with an old river bridge is the setting for this colorful and memorable children’s book, “The Ladybug Story.” A beautiful young ladybug named Jenny becomes best friends with the handsome but restless Bartholomew, who is convinced that he will find adventure and happiness somewhere in the mysterious neighboring strawberry patch. Because Jenny is loyal and cares for Bartholomew, she reluctantly agrees to leave the security of her home and follows him into a new world. Trouble quickly ensues in their new surroundings as Jenny falls prey to the dreaded Sonja, a mesmerizing large, black spider who prowls the neighboring patches looking for anyone who is out at nightfall. All ends well and Bartholomew and Jenny learn a couple of lessons that are important for all children to know. Never make decisions in life because someone else wants you to, especially if you know it to be wrong. And, of course, the most important lesson... There is no place like home.

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Mommy, Where Are All the Honeybees? by Dana Bradshaw https://mindstirmediabooks.com/product/mommy-where-are-all-the-honeybees-by-dana-bradshaw/ https://mindstirmediabooks.com/product/mommy-where-are-all-the-honeybees-by-dana-bradshaw/#respond Sun, 06 Jan 2019 22:57:10 +0000 https://mindstirmediabooks.com/?post_type=product&p=2070 Preservation of life is an inescapable fact of life. We must deal with it, and so must our children. If we are to help them, we must let them know it’s okay to talk about it.

In this children’s book titled “Mommy, Where are all the honeybees” the author explains important role of the honeybee and how its decline significantly impacts all living.

Through the eyes of a young girl, Leila, it encourages children to do their part to preserve and “Save the Honeybees”.

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Edison the Firefly & Debra the Dragonfly https://mindstirmediabooks.com/product/edison-the-firefly-debra-the-dragonfly-by-donna-raye/ https://mindstirmediabooks.com/product/edison-the-firefly-debra-the-dragonfly-by-donna-raye/#respond Sun, 06 Jan 2019 20:48:36 +0000 https://mindstirmediabooks.com/?post_type=product&p=2043 Edison the Firefly has a good friend, Debra the Dragonfly. They love sharing many things together especially competing in flight. When Debra the Dragonfly becomes ill and cannot fly, Edison stays by his friend's side. Please join Edison on his 5th installment of the Edison the Firefly series as he learns about Cancer and the power of friendship.

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Edison the Firefly & Sierra the Special Spider https://mindstirmediabooks.com/product/edison-the-firefly-sierra-the-special-spider-by-donna-raye/ https://mindstirmediabooks.com/product/edison-the-firefly-sierra-the-special-spider-by-donna-raye/#respond Sun, 06 Jan 2019 20:43:23 +0000 https://mindstirmediabooks.com/?post_type=product&p=2040 Edison's new friend, Sierra the Special Spider, can no longer write her children letters. Edison wants to help her; which means a new invention is on the way! Please join Edison on his 4th installment of the Edison the Firefly series.

The post Edison the Firefly & Sierra the Special Spider appeared first on Bookstore of MindStir Media Book Publishers.

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Edison the Firefly & Ford the Fly by Donna Raye https://mindstirmediabooks.com/product/edison-the-firefly-ford-the-fly-by-donna-raye/ https://mindstirmediabooks.com/product/edison-the-firefly-ford-the-fly-by-donna-raye/#respond Sun, 06 Jan 2019 20:35:03 +0000 https://mindstirmediabooks.com/?post_type=product&p=2037 In this 3rd installment of the Edison the Firefly series, Edison and his friend Ford the fly embark on a great competition, seeing who can build their invention first. Join author Donna Raye as we find out who wins this friendly competition. You just might be surprised.

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