The Itty Bitty It by Scott Ferguson

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This book has a whimsical rhyme about misbehaving characters that have bad habits called the Itty Bitty It. Two children stumble across a few Itty Bitty Its and watch them as they misbehave with each other. At the end of the story children are told to avoid acting like the Itty Bitty It because it

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This book has a whimsical rhyme about misbehaving characters that have bad habits called the Itty Bitty It. Two children stumble across a few Itty Bitty Its and watch them as they misbehave with each other. At the end of the story children are told to avoid acting like the Itty Bitty It because it is not a very nice way to be. It’s a creative and unique way for children to learn how not to act like that character because having good manners matters.

  • Hardcover: Paperback: 26 pages
  • Publisher: Mindstir Media
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 9780985839819
  • Dimensions: 8.5 x 0.1 x 8.5 inches
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